Hesham Samy

Public Accountants & Consultants

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Review of the Financial Statements:-

- Examining and evaluating accounting policies and principles applied by the company and the provisions determined by the company's management on an estimated basis and general evaluation of the financial statements presentation method and the disclosures and explanations included.

- Conducting regular review during the year including the review and evaluation of accounting and internal control systems applied at the company as well as performing tests required to verify the sound application and the efficiency of these systems, preview and reconciling final accounts to accounting records and make the most that can be made through the planning and testing for the detection of significant errors and irregularities that may have an impact on the company's financial statements. In the case of important remarks during a periodic review, we will send them in the management letter includes these observations and recommendations to discussed with the company's management.

- Conducting final review during the end of the year including verifying the existence of assets shown in the balance sheet, their value and amounts of liabilities and provisions to ascertain the fair presentation of the sound financial position, review of income statement to ensure the accurate presentation of the company's operation results ensure that the disclosure and presentation in the notes to the financial statements have been made in adherence to the applicable accounting principles and in light of the applicable laws and regulations, preparing and signing the auditors report on the financial statements at the end of the fiscal year.

- Providing internal audit to be sure that the company makes some important procedures as implementation the decisions of boards of directors and to evaluate the accounting system in light of the company policies and to be sure that organization structure appropriate the company and reviewing the internal control system to ascertain it's adequacy and effectiveness to guarantee preservation of assets and property company and to fulfill their obligations and ensure the proper functioning of departments in the implementation of the tasks entrusted to them the required efficiency and provide the necessary proposals to raise the efficiency and increase effectiveness, as well as verification of the assets of the company and follow up the situation taxation and verification of the application of the laws, regulations and government decisions that govern the activities of the company and report the results of periodic review progress of the Governing Council, including unfolding of internal control weaknesses and errors notes course work and make recommendations to avoid such mistakes and how to resolve them.